Tradeshow Marketing

B2B Trade shows have evolved from traditional show and tell and networking events into immersive experiences that help connect qualified buyers and sellers.

Companies from all different industries are taking advantage of the many benefits of Expo’s and related immersive marketing and sponsorship opportunities, with no shortage of ways to make an impact.

It’s important to define all of your goals and objectives clearly. This will guide every decision throughout the event setup and marketing process. Provide trade show goers a reason to interact with both your brand and your exhibitor’s brands.  Your Expo must stand out to reach the full potential of your industry’s network.

Innovegic Marketing Solutions has been building campaigns to increase engagement among  targeted audiences for almost a decade and can help you maximize your Expo.

Our Select Services Include:

Email Marketing

Coop Opportunities

USPS Targeted Mailers

Exhibitor Marketing

Audience Development

Billboard Campaigns

Trade Publication Articles and Advertising

News and PR

Social Media Campaigns